Friends Of Stansted Hall

In 1970, Gordon Higginson started the charity Friends of Stansted Hall (FOSH) to promote education in psychic science and, in particular, to assist in the establishment and maintenance of a college for the advancement of psychic science at Stansted Hall.
Gordon Higginson was one of the finest mediums of the last century and an excellent medium, speaker and teacher. He was known as “Mr Mediumship” since his gifts of mediumship were wide-ranging and he was a man of great charisma. Gordon said that “Spiritual giants have always moved among the nations of the world” and Gordon himself can rightly be called a ‘spiritual giant’ owing to his accomplishments, his influence and his dedicated work for Spirit.
Gordon was the longest-serving President of the Spiritualists National Union (SNU), serving for an exceptional 23 years from 1970 until his passing in 1993. He was also the Principal of the Arthur Findlay College at Stansted Hall from 1979 to 1993, as well as being a Minister of the SNU . Stansted Hall was very dear to his heart and a place where many came from far and wide to hear his lectures and see his demonstrations.
Gordon Higginson was not only an exceptional medium and teacher, but a man of great warmth, humour and charisma and he is still very much missed by many today.
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